"Just like Twitter. Who the hell uses that?"
Well, I'm proud to say, I still don't use Twitter, (I'm far too long-winded to write something that concise, and I refuse to abbreviate with bullshit like "b4" or "omg").
However, as someone who considers himself marginally creative, with sometimes two or even three ideas floating around in his head at any given time, I figured a blog would be a nice way to express some of those and get them on paper... so to speak. Digital paper, I guess.
So, if you know me, you know what to expect. Lengthy musings on movies. And other stuff too I guess. Comics. Married Life. Married Life with a child (the sequel). All that fun stuff. So, strap yourselves in for a high-octane thrill ride as we delve into the thoughts of a 26-year old guy who does stuff sometimes. Try to contain your excitement...
I should also mention that another reason I decided to do this whole blog-thing, was in an effort to exercise my writing bones again. In high school, I spent a lot of time writing stories, sketching, etc. (look out ladies!). I felt like a had a pretty good vocabulary for my age, and anticipated it maturing as I grew older.
Well, that didn't happened.
Attribute it to laziness, lack of trying, or simple heredity, but I feel like I reached my mental peak about 6 years ago. I don't know, maybe I was just an arrogant little snob who thought he was going to be the next Stephen King back then, but I really feel like my creativity took a downhill plunge when I hit my twenties. So, in an effort to better myself, I'm trying to get back some of that youthful energy and passion. As I hinted above, I recently became a father, so I'm really looking forward to once again seeing the world through a fresh set of eyes as my son, Roman, gets to experience all that life has to offer. It should be a cool flashback to my own carefree naivete.
So join me.
There will be apple juice and Batman toys.